
March is National Procurement Month: Send in Nominations for 2025 Above & Beyond Awards

The National Cooperative Procurement Partners (NCPP) recognizes stars in public procurement who have gone ABOVE & BEYOND in their procurement role. Now's the time to nominate your peers in procurement for the annual Above & Beyond award. View the criteria here and submit your nomination today!

Nominate for Individual or Team Award  

Part I: How Cooperative Contracts Close Sales

Date: February 14, 2025
Time: 11:00 am CT

Your company (or a manufacturer for which you are a dealer) holds at least one cooperative contract which means you have a powerful sales tool in your arsenal. You work for sales, you get paid on sales, your time is valuable, and you make sure and spend it in ways that maximize your sales opportunities. Are you fully taking advantage of the sales opportunities available to you through cooperative contracts? Are you comfortable introducing the cooperative contract into the sales conversation? Are you getting all you can out of your cooperative partner? Are you aware of the resources available to help you introduce cooperative contracts in your sales process? In this two-part series, we will answer these questions and hear from sales leaders who are experienced in building relationships with their cooperative partner and using cooperative contracts to grow their business. These webinars are brief because we know your time is valuable. Attend one or both – it’s part of your membership benefits!

Register for Part I Here  

Part II: Advanced Selling with Cooperative Contracts

Date: March 12, 2025
Time: 11:00 am CT

"Advanced Selling with Cooperative Contracts” is the second webinar of our two-part series that will dive deeper into the value of your cooperative contract. We will discuss various cooperative resources that may be available to you and how to develop strong relationships with your cooperative partners. We will also delve into some of the common customer objections and myths about cooperative contracts and how to overcome them. In the process of debunking those myths, we will provide you with tools and resources to help you close the deal. Missed Part 1 “How Cooperative Contracts Close Sales?” No problem! Members can log in to our website with their NCPP credentials and revisit the recording any time as part of your membership benefits.

Register for Part II Here  

Let's Get Cooking with NCPP!

NCPP to unveil new "LET'S GET COOKING with Cooperative Procurement Presentation at CAPPO conference in Sacramento.  Join this fun and informative session during the annual conference for all California public procurement professionals.  This presentation has also been accepted for the NIGP Forum in Denver and the CPPC conference in Canada.

Want NCPP to Drop By?

NEW: 20-minute virtual presentation on Cooperative Procurement.

Have you ever just wanted an expert to "pop-in" to your team meeting and provide more information about cooperative procurement? Not a full-length multi-slide conference presentation, but a short overview with the ability to ask all your specific questions in a tailored format?
This idea came from a conference where a procurement manager shared his struggle in getting the entire team educated quickly on this topic. As a result, NCPP has created a "Pop-In" presentation where a cooperative procurement expert can "pop-in" to your virtual meeting to provide an overview, address the tough questions and educate your team on the available free resources. 

Pop-In Title: 

What can Cooperative Procurement do for ME?

This virtual session will discuss the basics of cooperative procurement, along with strategies on how to best use this contracting tool. Learn more about its benefits, right questions to ask about the cooperative, supplier and contract, and be directed to the free educational resources. 

A virtual pop-in is typically 15-25 minutes including time for questions.

Simply email to schedule your "pop-in" presentation!