Orange County Procurement Team - California

Within the County of Orange, California, a dedicated cohort of 285 sworn-in Deputized Purchasing Agents (DPAs) operates under the guidance of the County Procurement Officer, collectively empowered to procure goods and services on behalf of the County. This commendation aims to recognize the exemplary efforts of our County Procurement Professionals, whose unwavering commitment has significantly elevated the standards and perception of the procurement profession over the past year. One pivotal aspect of this elevation has been the proactive engagement of our DPAs in professional development initiatives, particularly through their participation in the Trailblazer Series workshops.
Noteworthy achievements include the collaborative endeavors to streamline and standardize procurement processes and forms across the County's 22 Decentralized Departments. Central to this transformative journey has been the seamless transition to OpenGov, a platform that has facilitated automation and standardization across various facets of procurement, including solicitations, grant and asset management, and cooperative purchasing. The invaluable support from organizations like OpenGov, Pavilion, and Procurated has been instrumental in realizing milestones, underscoring the spirit of collaboration and partnership across our local procurement community.
Further emphasizing the commitment to professional excellence, our County Procurement Officer’s election as Director of the South for the California Association of Public Procurement Officials (CAPPO) has unlocked additional networking opportunities and support from esteemed procurement networks and leaders. The significant surge in CPPO and CPPB certifications by over 90% (since 2020), reflects tangible dedication to the County’s push for continuous learning and professional growth within the procurement workforce, which we recognize as vital to the future of our profession. Moreover, strategic partnerships with the NIGP have led to the establishment of the BLAZE forward Mentorship Program, offering invaluable professional development and mentorship opportunities, not only for County of Orange employees but also for members of the OC Procurement Alliance from neighboring cities and special districts.
In parallel, the commitment to excellence is further evidenced through initiatives such as volunteer work, including revamping of the California Chapter of NIGP, spearheaded by our Senior Manager of Training & Professional Development, and the annual Procurement Professional Day event and celebration. This multifaceted event serves as a platform for professional development, networking, and recognition, offering a diverse array of resources ranging from mock interviews, professional headshots, and great training opportunities. The County's unwavering dedication to continuous improvement is reflected in the establishment of focus groups dedicated to county-wide initiatives, driven by insights gleaned from past performance audits. Supplier outreach remains a cornerstone of our procurement strategy, with the annual Supplier Outreach Event attracting over 800 attendees, fostering meaningful connections between suppliers and procurement professionals from across Southern California.