RFP Tracking Project

The 2023-2024 RFP Tracking Project, sponsored by the NCPP, aims to quantify the personnel expenses involved in solicitation, known as Invitation to Bid (Bid) and Request for Proposals (RFP) across different entities; 70 volunteered to participate, while 39 completed and submitted tracking spreadsheets.

Two-Page Overview

Download a copy here.

Full Report

Download a copy here.

The Future

As a result of ongoing interest of the NCPP RFP Tracking Project, NCPP is collaborating with Pavilion, a NCPP Affiliate Partner, to develop an online spreadsheet with tracking capabilities for entities to participate and track their own costs.

In addition, a cost estimator calculator is under development for entities to pre-determine the costs to assist in making the contracting decision to choose either the bid route or cooperative contracting path. Continuing to collect data will augment the work already done, as well as provide greater flexibility for teams to participate in the future within their own timeframes.

Email partnerships@withpavilion.com to be notified when the calculator is launched!